Have you heard of Goodreads.com? It's one of my favorite things!!! I absolutely love this site! I equate it to a social media book club. You basically can connect with others and give and get book recommendations and see what they are reading. Goodreads has more than 14,000,000 members and more than 470,000,000 books on the shelf. The reviews on the site are really helpful, unlike some of the silly ones you find on Amazon.
If you don't want to connect with others, you don't have to. The beauty of this site is it also is to books as Pandora is to music. Let's say you have Stephen King on your virtual shelf. Goodreads.com will give you recommendations based on what is on your shelf. I love it! Gone are the days where before a trip I have to mull over what to read next. It really is awesome.
Have you read my SHS book club posts here and here? I've been so amazed because both books were recommendations and I truly have loved each book.
I'm currently reading two books. I don't normally try to juggle two books but one is more of a how-to book so it is working out. I'm reading:
I love Dave Ramsey. I think every single MBA student should be required to read this book. I just extended my check out at the library because I'm going slow because it is so full of great information.
I'm also reading:
I'll fill you in on this one in my next SHS Book Club post. I'm a huge Walking Dead fan hence my Warm Bodies choice. I'm almost done. I heard it is now a movie too.
I don't really make New Year resolutions but one commitment I made was to read more. I love to read, always have. I don't make time for it anymore but I wanted to change that. I dedicated myself to read 24 books in 2013. I hope to surpass that goal but two books a month seems realistic. I'm participating on the 2013 Goodreads Reading Challenge. I'm currently one book behind goal but since I'm reading two books at once I figure I'm safe.
Do you read books or do you read books on your iPad/Nook/Kindle? I do both. I read while I blow dry my hair (it takes awhile). The other day I was reading my library book while blow drying and I tried swiping the page as I would on my iPad when I realized it was an actual book. So funny!
Check out Goodreads.com. Find me there at SillyHappySweet and we can connect.
1 comment:
that's a nice post;)x
thank you for the reading suggestions ;)X
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