I feel like the past two books I've read have been emotionally intense. I wanted to read a book that was a bit more lighthearted. Brian and I love love love The Walking Dead and Dexter. I know that these aren't shows for everyone--or even most people. When our parents come to visit they think we are cuckoo for watching these shows. Maybe that is why Bri and I are made for eachother. We have gotten giddy about getting the new season of Dexter on DVD.
So, being a Walking Dead, Dexter, Twilight, Buffy, etc., fan, I thought reading Warm Bodies would be a fun read. Plus, it got four out of five stars on GoodReads. That is really good! And the movie is still in theaters so it seemed like a good one for me to read.
That being said, though it was a fine book, it wasn't a page turner for me. I had to be purposeful in finishing, which isn't something you'd probably want anyone say if you're the author of the book. It doesn't have a ton character development the way the Walking Dead does in their series. I know a book is different than a tv show but if anything, a book should allow you to become even more committed to the main character. I had zero feelings about any characters in the book and didn't care how it ended. I felt kind of like a zombie reading the book, just flipping pages in a fugue.
Now before completely dismissing the book, I will say that there were aspects of the book that were intriguing or actually made me laugh out loud. Maybe I am just too old for this book. I know it is popular among young adults (despite the author's wishes). I do think it probably does serve the YA audience better though.
I'm still glad I chose this book because I definitely needed some mindless entertainment. I do want to see the movie. I watched the trailer online--it provided even more evidence to me why this is a YA book.
Now, onto my next read! I'm so excited to read The Aviator's Wife next.
Have you read it? Is it good? When I was a teenager, I read Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindberg. It think that is one of the most beautifully written books ever written. I read it more than once and even read her book of peotry, The Unicorn. What an incredible writer she was--so full of depth and heart. I fell in love with her and even more so to know the sad life she led. She was wife to famous aviator, Charles Lindberg, and their son was kidnapped and killed. The Aviator's Wife is about her life.
What are you reading now?
I'm so excited to hear how "The Aviator's Wife" is. I LOVE to read and am always looking for recommendations!
I just finished "The Paris Wife" - it was definitely interesting and well-written, it was just depressing, which I didn't expect :(
I was curious about Warm Bodies when I saw the preview for the movie, but I'm not much of a zombie person, so I'm not sure how much I'd like it haha.
I can't wait to hear how the Aviators Wife is! I'm reading Little Women right now...classics were on sale at Indigo :)
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